Project Description
The project scope entailed provision of a GIS training and its application in water utility and sewerage services. Modules covered: – Introductions and components of GIS; GIS Applications in water utility; QGIS vs. ArcGIS. The nature of GIS Data; Data Management; Creating shapefiles; GIS data topologies. Coordinate or Spatial Reference Systems; UTM: Georeferencing raster data; Digitizing in GIS; Querying of GIS attribute table; spatial queries; GIS Analysis Workflows; Creating GIS analysis maps. Cartography; Advanced GIS Water Network analysis operations; Service Area analysis; Introduction to the QGIS Model builder or designer; model builder tools; Create-Save-Test-Run (CSTR) model operations; Debugging the model. GIS water distribution systems modelling; water flow analysis; Spatial Multi-criteria Evaluation (SMCE) etc. Project reporting was also done.