High precision
Cost effective
Nemo110 USV
Stonex is the world leader in design and supply of survey & mapping equipment
Headquartered on the outskirts of Milan, Italy, Stonex is one of the world leader company on measurement and survey, with over 200 qualified distributors worldwide. Stonex is a part of Beijing UniStrong Science and Technology Co., Ltd, the global provider of GNSS, positioning and timing technology for the geospatial market. Stonex offers wide range of quality services.
Stonex has witnessed rapid growth thanks to the integration of different positioning technologies and software. The wide range of solutions allows to meet the needs of many fields of application and industries, such as building and construction, land survey, GIS and cadastral survey, 3D scanning, utility, agriculture and smart farming.
Features of Nemo110 USV
Below is a list of some of the robust features of Nemo110 USV echosounder equipment
1). Super Power Supply System
The hull propulsion system has strong power, high reliability, stable driving and it is suitable for various water flow environment measurement. The vessel can reach 5m/s speed.
2). Rugged GNSS Navigation
Thanks to a Stonex GNSS receiver, Nemo110 has an excellent on board real time navigation solution with high accuracy. With IP67 Certification and Kevlar + carbon fiber material hull.
3). High Capacity Battery & 5 m/s Speed
Long battery life 6 hours of continuous use. It also has brushless DC motor and maximum speed of 5 m/s.
4.) Small & lightweight equipment
Simple. Lightweight. Just 20 kg with battery and echosounder. Dimensions: 1180 × 630 × 340 mm.
5.) Smooth Sailing Performance
The vessel has a good seal at sea and in waterways thanks to its design. Obstacle avoidance with the anti-collision sensor installed on the front of the vessel, hence stop the propellers instantly.
Related products
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Need more details or a demo? get in touch!
The echosounder equipment versatile solution it is possible to carry out under water bathymetric surveys and measurements in areas not reachable.