All posts tagged: GPR

GPR Underground Utility Scanning in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

GPR Services in Africa

Introduction  In recent past, GPR has become a go-to technology for scanning and locating undeground utilities. The utilization of Ground Penetrating Radar survey technique was utilized for detailed investigation and analysis of the utilities within Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School, Dar es Salaam Tanzania. In the realm of modern domains of engineering, design, infrastructure development […]

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Lessons learnt from the GPR underground utility scanning at NRC

GPR Scanning at NRC

Introduction  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. It is a non-destructive technique that allows the visualization of structures and features buried underground without the need for excavation. GPRover harnesses ground penetrating radar technology for superior locating and data collection capabilities; integrating advanced subsurface imaging technology […]

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